Friday, June 16, 2006

Here we go again with the Top 5 lists. If anyone's reading, feel free to contribute your own list in the comments.

Top 5 breakup songs (in no particular order)

1. The Good Life - Album of the Year (April)
In just over five minutes, hipster boy meets a hipster girl, heady romance and urban grit collide, love is made and dreams peter out and disappointment sets in.
The Killer Verse: And I know she loved me once, but those days are gone. She used to call me everyday from a pay phone on her break for lunch – just to say she can’t wait to come home.

2. The Streets - Dry Your Eyes
It's an awkward song with awkward delivery and a chorus that could have come from a 7th grader, but my guess is that ninety percent of us are about as articulate at that pivotal moment.
The Killer Verse: I look at her she stares almost straight back at me
But her eyes glaze over like she’s lookin’ straight through me.

3. Stars - One More Night (Your Ex-Lover Remains Dead)
The deed is done, but they agree to spend one more night together. It's cheap but it's everything.
The Killer Verse: You'll never touch him again so get what you can
Leaving him empty just because he's a man

4. The Wrens - Happy
Of course The Wrens, from the album that is all rejection and renewal. Frustration with his sheer powerlessness to change the situation, reality becomes optional as he tries to pin down where the mistake was made.
The Killer Verse: is this why you wanted me? to watch as you walk away
you kept on killing me, and you don't even want to touch me

5. Lisa Loeb - Stay
A high school favorite. The details of this story hit pretty close to home.
The Killer Verse: you said you caught me cause you want me and one day you'll let me go
you'll try to give away a keeper, or keep me cause you know you're just so, scared to lose


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