Monday, March 13, 2006

It happened!

The kiss! After 7 seasons of waiting it finally happened.

Beyond that, Vinick's in some trouble:
  • After the debacle over the near-meltdown of a nuclear reactor he helped get approved, he is now tied with Santos in almost every nationwide poll, and the electoral vote is too close to call. He may even lose California, his home state.
  • The RNC is stepping in to steer his campaign back to the right, by taking firmly conservative stances on "values", in order to rally the base and solidify his hold on Republican states. However, in order to justify his previous reticence on values, he must place the blame on his campaign manager, Sheila Brooks, who will soon after resign.
  • President Bartlett has just informed him of an impending and potentially long-term and expensive foreign policy action that will bring US troops into Kazahkstan. Should Vinick win the election, he will be inheriting a costly occupation that could negate any political capital gained in the first 100 days, as well as prohibit his proposed tax reduction.
  • He's caught a cold.
The episode ended with a great sequence showing Vinick standing alone on a street in front of a theatre, with Billie Holiday's "Body and Soul" playing in the background.

It's good to have the West Wing back.


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