Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Moral and intellectual confusion

Rummy sounds pretty fed up...
In unusually explicit terms, Rumsfeld portrayed the administration's critics as suffering from "moral and intellectual confusion" about what threatens the nation's security.


He said, for example, that more media attention was given to U.S. soldiers' abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib than to the fact that Sgt. 1st Class Paul Ray Smith received the Medal of Honor.
We have thousands of "foreign combatants" incarcerated on island prison camps in Guantanamo Bay, held without trial and often without just cause (some were picked up on random tips while traveling internationally, others innocent but simply at the wrong place at the wrong time). They are stripped, searched, interrogated, and to an unknown extent, beaten and tortured. Often their families have no idea they have even been arrested, only hearing about it through a secret note from a sympathetic soldier. Lawyers are made to jump through numerous hoops to speak with their clients, and sometimes are blocked entirely. There are known cases of DHS officials posing as lawyers and pretending that the detainees have no legal recourse. When an actual lawyer does get through, s/he must present anecdotal evidence of meeting with the prisoner's family so as to gain the trust of the detainee.
If you're thought to hold information, you may end up (a) in a freezing cold isolation cell, (b) forced to stand up with arms stretched out in front of you, (c) placed on the ground naked and kicked in the sides, or (d) who knows what, as not even Red Cross has been allowed access to the whole camp. The few prisoners with the courage to demand better conditions and an end to beatings have threatened to hunger strike, their final and only means of non-violent protest. They had plastic tubes jammed up their noses and down their throat, and force-fed food in an excrutiatingly painful and humiliating manner. Sometimes they are fed too much and vomit or defecate themselves. This is just on the threat of not eating, even before they show any signs of thinning.
If you are released (which may take three to four years, without contact with your family), it is only after you sign a statement, announcing your shame at having performed acts against the US, and a promise not to do so again, thus confessing to a crime you may or may not have committed. Those who sign this document laminate it and carry it with them at all times, in case they are picked up by roving vigilantes in their home country again. Fifteen Uyghur detainees were determined to not have been enemy combatants after all. Five of them pursued habeas corpus, but at the last minute were transferred to an Albanian refugee camp, so as to avoid answering to a courtroom challenge.
Almost all of our allies, the UN, and the Geneva convention want us to shut down this gulag. Mistreatment is not the stain of an ugly few, it is standard procedure. Our government is frantically trying to open satellite prison camps in places around the world where international law will not apply.

Moral and intellectual confusion?
No, Rummy, I'm pretty sure you're a fuckwad.


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