Thursday, June 29, 2006

Sox are up to eleven games, routing Pedro and the Mets 10-2 last night.

Just got back from the White House South Lawn, where the President welcomed Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi. The lawn was filled with press, interns, and other random guests; the front was occupied by lines of Marines and the band. The President and Mr. Koizumi stood on a platform in front of the South entrance while the band played the Japanese and US national anthems. While that was going on, a cannon in front of the Ellipse fired what I assume to be powder shots. (note: The White House has a functioning cannon! I think the next time the President vetoes a bill, he should slap it on a cannonball and launch it back to Capitol Hill.) Both made brief speeches with subsequent translations, and Mr. Koizumi was quite charming, greeting the mass of small Japanese children near the front of the crowd.

Pictures will be posted later tonight on the photoblog.


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